Asset Tracking
Our Smart solution to automate your data center, IT, and office hardware asset tracking and an audit via handheld barcode & RFID readers, cutting the time to perform asset inventories by an order of magnitude over manual methods. Fixed readers, positioned at entrances and exits, detect assets moving in and out of the Office premises, automatically updating the asset repository and notifying appropriate personnel. Technicians can use handheld RFID scanners or barcode scanners to quickly install, move, or view racked asset information. As with all asset data collection, exceptions are instantly identified and resolved, resulting in 100% database accuracy.
Module Features
- Collect and maintain complete, current, and accurate hardware asset data
- Methodical and accurate calculation of Fixed and Movable/ Current assets
- Proper logging of Issue/ Return of assets
- Proper accountability through OUTWARD and INWARD mechanism
- A systematic check of physical inventory
- Proper update of the asset life cycle/period including warranty processing and depreciation
- Calculation of recoverable cost
- Cost-effective & prevents asset mismanagement and theft